Marie Santini and Marcio Borges present the report “Disinformation and Campaign Against the Press” at an event organized by Abert and AIR | Photo: Filipe Matoso - g1
This Wednesday (15/03), the director of the Internet and Social Media Studies Laboratory at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (NetLab UFRJ), Marie Santini, alongside the vice-president of WMcCann RJ and researcher at NetLab UFRJ, Marcio Borges, participated in the first edition of the seminar 'Challenges and Action in the Digital Era', organized by the Brazilian Association of Radio and Television Broadcasters (Abert) and the International Broadcasting Association (AIR), in Brasília.
The presentation highlighted the need to hold large communication and technology companies responsible for serving disinformation content in the form of advertisements, addressing the lack of transparency regarding the business model of these 'Big Techs'. The researchers also commented on the importance of regulating social media platforms, which could contribute to a safer virtual environment for everyone.
At the event, the Brasília Charter was approved – a document that asks public authorities in countries in the Americas to implement actions and policies against anti-competitive practices, dissemination of misinformation and hate speech on the internet.
Also participating in the meeting were representatives of the executive boards of AIR and Abert, Eugenio Sosa Mendoza and Flávio Lara Resende, as well as journalist Marcelo Rech, Executive President of the National Newspaper Association (ANJ).
Among several important names on the Brazilian political scene, the chief minister of the Secretariat of Social Communication (Secom), Paulo Pimenta, and deputy Orlando Silva (PCdoB - SP), rapporteur of the Law Bill 2630/2020, which deals, among other topics, with combating fake news.