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"Learn How to Avoid
‘That Kind’ of Woman":

Discursive Strategies and Monetization of Misogyny on YouTube

Producing scientific evidence with social impact

NetLab UFRJ is a research laboratory in internet and social networks dedicated to diagnosing the phenomenon of digital disinformation and its social consequences in Brazil.

& Disinformation

Research into disinformation and online public opinion manipulation strategies 

Gender Disinformation 
& Hate Speech

Using digital technologies to understand

the scale, impact and content of gender disinformation

Science, Denialism
& Conspiracy theories

Monitoring and analysis of scientific production, denialist campaigns and
conspiracy theories on the networks

Political economy
of Disinformation

How the influence industry benefits from the lack of transparency and regulation of internet services

& Climate Change

Mapping disinformation about the destruction of biomes, violence against indigenous peoples and the impact of extractive practices

Algorithm Studies
& Recommender Systems

Impacts of recommendation systems with algorithms on the circulation of information and the construction of consumption habits

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