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Feminism 2.0: the mobilization of women in Brazil against sexual harassment through networks

P2P Inovação

Much has been discussed about gender equality and guaranteeing rights for women around the world, but the year 2015 was decisive for the construction of a new narrative about feminist movements in the media, especially in Brazil.

This year is marked by two important societal issues. One is the publication of the “Map of Violence” from 2012 to 2015, which revealed current and unprecedented data on the reality of femicide in our country. The other was the case of online initiatives questioning female taboos that have rerely been publicly debated in Brazil by ordinary citizens for decades.

Given this scenario, the objective of this research was to investigate the new dynamics of social movements in the so-called network society based on the mobilization of Brazilian women on social networks, where the reach of messages goes beyond the social and everyday life of the individuals directly involved to infinite online information networks.

To this end, a case study of the #primeiroassedio (firstassault) hashtag was carried out using data extracted from the social network Twitter related to the online campaign that took place in Brazil in 2015, which were interpreted and discussed in light of the literature on Social Network Analysis (ARS or SNA - Social Network Analysis).

The results found indicate that the new dynamics of social movements in online networks allow a profile with little or no apparent media visibility, such as @thinkolga, to create a political action campaign and obtain great repercussion among users of these networks.

This new social phenomenon may point to a possible update of the traditional spiral of silence theory as it considers the mutual effect of mass media and social media in shaping public opinion.


How to cite: MARIE SANTINI, R.; TERRA, C.; ROSANA DUARTE DE ALMEIDA, A. FEMINISMO 2.0: A MOBILIZAÇÃO DAS MULHERES NO BRASIL CONTRA O ASSÉDIO SEXUAL ATRAVÉS DAS MÍDIAS SOCIAIS (#PRIMEIROASSEDIO). P2P E INOVAÇÃO, Rio de Janeiro, v. 3, n. 1, p. 148–164, 2016. DOI: 10.21721/p2p.2016v3n1.p148-164. Disponível em: Acesso em: 28 set. 2023.


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