Headlines and hashtags in the june 2013 protests in Brazil

This chapter examines possible relationships between the use of social media in online mobilization and mainstream print media coverage during the June 2013 protests in Brazil, a series of demonstrations which happened throughout the country initially surrounding the price of bus tickets.
In order to develop the research, we compared news from leading Brazilian newspapers (O Globo, Folha de S. Paulo, Estadão, and O Dia) with the activities of the most influential Twitter users in the dissemination of messages about these events in the country during the period from June 01 to 30, 2013.
The results show trends in the emerging dynamics of social organization that may indicate the role of old and new media in today’s Brazilian politics. The research analyzed the extent to which the events occurring on the streets shaped and/or reflected user-generated social media content.
How to cite: Rose Marie Santini, Danilo Silva, Túlio Brasil, Rafael Rezende, Camyla Terra, Heloísa Traiano, Kenzo Seto, Marcela De Orlandis, Clara Rescala, "Media and mediators in contemporary protests: Headlines and hashtags in the june 2013 in Brazil" In Brazil. Published online: 02 Jun 2017; 259-278. Permanent link to this document: https://doi.org/10.1108/S2050-206020170000013019