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Coronavirus: pandemic, infodemic and politics

The research is coordinated by Isabela Kalil (FESPSP) and R. Marie Santini (UFRJ). The team is made up of 12 researchers based in the cities of São Paulo and Rio de Janeiro from the research groups NEU (Núcleo de Etnografia Urbana) from FESPSP and NetLab UFRJ, the Laboratory of Internet and Social Network Studies at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, with the support of Twist System (Data Science Startup).

Qualitative and quantitative data were analyzed at the intersection between virtual ethnography, network mapping and artificial intelligence. This research continues the investigative work in the areas of politics and communication already carried out by the research groups since 2013.


How to cite: KALIL, I. & SANTINI, R. M. “Coronavírus, Pandemia, Infodemia e Política”. Relatório de pesquisa. Divulgado em 01 de abril de 2020. 21p. São Paulo / Rio de Janeiro: FESPSP / UFRJ. Disponível: <>


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