Mídia e Cotidiano

In this paper, we aim to map the websites that make up the digital evangelical media ecosystem in Brazil and build our own typology to analyze it.
Despite their internal differences, Brazilian evangelicals form an important political force, thanks to efforts that have lasted decades.
However, little has been studied about its internet ecosystem and its role in reproducing divisive political positions.
We identified evangelical websites shared by influencers on Facebook between April and October 2021, complementing the database with other previously known websites found on the platform.
We evaluate these sites according to the typology constructed and present an analysis of the political narratives commonly supported by them.
We demonstrate that these sites often reinforce an imaginary permeated by a political-cultural war waged against Christians, whose identity is redesigned by the threat of widespread persecution and the collapse of their values.
How to cite: Salles, D., Mattos Martins, B. M., & Santini, R. M. (2024). “Deus, Pátria, Família e Liberdade”: a radicalização política no ecossistema de mídia evangélica digital no Brasil. Mídia E Cotidiano, 18(1), 25-52. https://doi.org/10.22409/rmc.v18i1.59933