Panel Members at Cria G20/ Photo: NetLab UFRJ
This Saturday (16/11), Bruno Mattos, Project Coordinator at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro's Internet and Social Network Studies Laboratory (NetLab UFRJ), took part in the workshop "Mapping Climate Disinformation in Brazil" at the Cria G20 Brazil event. at the Cria G20 Brazil event.
Presenting the study "Mapping the online socio-environmental disinformation industry", the NetLab UFRJ member analysed how digital disinformation agents monetise socio-environmental issues, and also discussed the obstacles to carrying out academic research into this context.
The Cria G20 event sought to broaden discussions on emerging global challenges, promoting dialogue with various communicators, activists and digital creators between the 14th and 16th, in Rio de Janeiro, ahead of the G20 Leaders' Summit.