Marie Santini, Director of NetLab UFRJ, participates in an event in partnership between Ted Talks and the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro | Photo: Reproduction - YouTube
This Monday (16/05), the director of the Internet and Social Network Studies Laboratory at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (NetLab UFRJ), Marie Santini, participated in the event “What kind of UFRJ do we want for our children?”, held in the TEDx format, in a partnership between Ted Talks and the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ). The event had limited places and the talk is available on YouTube.
In the lecture “Networks, knowledge and contagion: what can thought (still) do?”, the professor spoke about her professional career, recounting moments that were relevant to her academic journey. Furthermore, Marie Santini highlighted the importance of the university as a space for creating critical thinking and exchanging experiences.
The presentations, hosted at the Cidade Universitária Campus, aimed to discuss issues such as admission methods, class content, infrastructure, university curriculum, entering the job market, among other topics, with the entire academic community of the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ) – students, alumni, professors and other employees.
The event was produced exclusively by the UFRJ academic community, including Affonso Carvalho (Nanotechnology), Ester Magalhães (Psychology), Guilherme Monteiro (Defense and International Strategic Management), Yanna Litowsky (Psychology), David Colocci, Mariana Zappa, Julia Boardman (Communication), Pedro Serpa (Economics), Bruno Costa (Architecture), Felipe Piragibe (Administration), Pedro Barros (Control and Automation Engineering), André Noboa (Production Engineering) and Thiago Rosa (Medical Physics).