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National Consumer Secretariat defines new transparency rules for data and advertisements on digital platforms

Globo News - July 31, 2024

The National Consumer Secretariat (Senacom) published a technical note on Tuesday (30) with new transparency criteria for digital platforms. The platforms will have a period of four months to adapt their advertisements to the established criteria and one year for the data generally published on their domains.

The new rules stipulate that each platform must maintain an "Application Programming Interface" (API), a type of digital repository, which can be accessed to search for information about the content published, including information about advertisements.

The director of Netlab, the Laboratory of Internet and Social Network Studies at UFRJ, Marie Santini, believes that the new rules bring Brazil into line with what is already required in the European Union.

"We consider the measures important, especially because what is being required is something that these platforms offer in other countries, such as those in the European Union, and should offer in Brazil as well."

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