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NetLab UFRJ project coordinator discusses mitigating disinformation at roundtable

Discussion panel of the event Popularization of Science/ Photo: RedeComCiência

On Tuesday (10/12), the Project Coordinator of the Laboratory of Internet and Social Network Studies at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (NetLab UFRJ), Carlos Eduardo Barros, participated in the event Popularization of Science: Multiple social actors in science communication, held by the RedeComCiência and .

CNEN initiative

Barros participated in the roundtable “Strategies for mitigating disinformation”, which also included the participation of Cristiane d’Avila (Casa de Oswaldo Cruz/Fiocruz), Diogo Lopes de Oliveira (RedeComCiência, SECTI-PE) and Magali Cunha (Bereia/ISER).


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