Lines of Research
Sexuality in dispute: The targeting of advertisements on Meta networks towards the LGBTQIAP+ community during the 2022 elections
Heaven Holds a Place for Those Who Pray: Instrumentalizing Religion and Disinformation the 2022 Brazilian and 2023 Turkish Presidential Campaigns
Visual Social Network Analysis Based on Deep-WalkGraph-Embeddings and Self-Organizing Maps
Climate Denialism on YouTube: How arguments from false expert affect audience comments
Seeing through opacity: The limitations of digital ad transparency in Brazil
Greenwashing and Disinformation: The Toxic Advertising of Brazilian Agribusiness on the Networks
The role of social bots in the Brazilian environmental debate: an analysis of the 2020 Amazon Forest fires in Twitter
"God, Country, Family and Freedom": political radicalization in the evangelical digital media ecosystem in Brazil
Recommending instead of taking down: YouTube hyperpartisan content promotion amid the BR elections
Socio environmental disinformation as propaganda: A cross-platform analysis of the Yanomami crisis
The Far-Right Smokescreen: Environmental Conspiracy and Culture Wars on Brazilian YouTube
Gotcha bot detection: context, time and place matters