Photo: Ministry of Women
The Ministry of Women, in collaboration with the Internet and Social Network Studies Laboratory at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (NetLab UFRJ), have commenced a research partnership in line with the Brazil Without Misogyny initiative. The project aims to analyze the monetization of misogynistic discourse on social networks and understand how online communities organize attacks against women.
The initiative also intends to investigate scams and fraud which target female audiences and examine audiovisual content that promotes misogynistic speech on digital platforms. The project will also analyze the role of digital advertising in the sale of counterfeit or adulterated products, in fraudulent financial schemes, and in the improper disclosure of users' personal information.
The Ministry of Women and NetLab UFRJ have come together under a common understanding of the importance of consolidating partnerships between public authorities and civil society. Together, the organizations will monitor various communities promoting misogyny online, in order to map the agents involved, the main strategies used and their implications for gender relations.
The first results of the project are due in March 2024. NetLab UFRJ will present a special report on International Women's Day (08/03), and in the first half of the year it will develop investigations into scams and fraud in the field of digital advertising.