Agência Lupa - June 29, 2023

"There will be little point in moderating content on platforms if there is no regulatory policy that guarantees transparency and makes platforms accountable for the services they provide." This is the view of professor and researcher Marie Santini, from the UFRJ School of Communication, founder and coordinator of the UFRJ Internet and Social Media Studies Laboratory (NetLab), today one of the most active in the country in research on platforms and social networks. .
For her, the use of programming and artificial intelligence has become decisive in research that deals with data and intends to unravel the functioning of platforms 'in a sea of informational garbage'. In this troubled environment permeated by misinformation, it is up to communicators to educate audiences to deal with the media, argues the researcher.
"We are not going to determine the choices, but we are going to ensure that users at least know how to recognize and identify how it works, the origin of a content, the signs that it may be toxic or not, in short, for them to be able to to choose".
In an exclusive interview with Lupa, Marie Santini also spoke about her current research, which aims to diagnose how disinformation operates on platforms. "Whether it's on topics related to health, electoral campaigns or advertisements with scams, the user starts to react when he manages to identify those strategies there".