Teachers participating in the debate table | Credits: UFRJ School of Communication.
This Wednesday (13/12), the School of Communication at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (ECO-UFRJ) welcomed professor Maria Bakardjieva, from the University of Calgary, in Canada, to give the lecture “Popular Bases of Illiberalism in the Hybrid Media Environment: Exploring Its Forms, Causes and Consequences”.
Professors from ECO-UFRJ, Milton Campos and Marie Santini, who is director of the Laboratory for Internet and Social Network Studies (NetLab UFRJ), were mediators of the debate and also participated in the panel.
The presentation sought to delve deeper into themes about the populist speech of far-right figures and their impacts on society, exploring concepts from media studies and social movements. The objective was to reflect on the possible convergence and mutual amplification of the many forms popular-based illiberalism takes, as well as its evolution and consequences for democratic culture and politics.
The result of a partnership between the Postgraduate Programs in Information Science (PPGCI – IBICT), Community Psychosociology and Social Ecology (EICOS) and Communication and Culture (PPGCOM) at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ), the seminar was also a collaboration of NetLab UFRJ, the UFRJ Psychology Institute and the Inter@ctiva collective.
The seminar was open to the public, in the Auditorium of the ECO - UFRJ Multimedia Production Center, and broadcast live on YouTube.
Certificates of participation are issued based on registrations (carried out in person) and can be used by undergraduate students who wish to request additional credit hours.