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General Coordinator of NetLab UFRJ participates in the Sociedade Viva project webinar

Design of the Living Society project

On Tuesday (24/09), the general coordinator of the Laboratory of Internet and Social Network Studies at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (NetLab UFRJ), Débora Salles, took part in the webinar “Who is afraid of Influencers?”, which brought together representatives of Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) and researchers to discuss how content creators can be in favor of mobilizing causes.

The debate, entitled “Mobilizing causes in the digital environment”, was also attended by Mariana Carvalho and Renato Menezes, members of the Media and Democracy project at FGV (Fundação Getúlio Vargas). In addition, the webinar included topics such as ‘Good practices of CSOs’ and ‘Insights for CSOs’.

The debate was broadcast live and is available on YouTube.


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