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General Coordinator of NetLab UFRJ presents article on digital disinformation at the International Congress of Cyberjournalism

Presentation on Thursday (11/21) of the Congress/ Photo: ObCiber

On November 20 and 21, the 8th edition of the International Cyberjournalism Congress was held at the University of Porto. With the theme “Platforms and Actors: Integrating innovation, facing challenges”, the event brought together academics and experts from around the world.

Representing NetLab UFRJ, Researcher and General Coordinator Débora Salles presented the study “Follow the link: Circulation of socio-environmental disinformation sites in messaging applications in Brazil” in the 5th Communication Session of the event, which discussed the challenges involving the use of technology in contemporary media.

The paper presented by Salles analyzes the media ecosystem of disinformation in Brazil, discussing the role of messaging applications.

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