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Politicians profit from courses that spread misinformation about abortion and feminism

Revista AZMina - August 21, 2024

In addition to spreading hatred against feminists, Nikolas aims to teach Christians how to position themselves, win discussions and gain followers. There are 17 modules divided into themes such as “We are at War”, “Understand the Enemy”, “Socialism”, “Feminism” and “Abortion”.

Using direct language aimed at young voters, the congressman from Minas Gerais offers four classes on abortion and gives tips for the public to convince women who are thinking about going ahead with the procedure. He suggests showing images of “aborted babies”.

Far from being a “smokescreen” (to hide other problems and interests), abortion is one of the most exploited topics by the far right on social media and in parliamentary daily life. The anti-rights congressmen point to the feminist movement as the tormentor of society and seek to hook the electorate on the emotional and religious side. There is an interest in promoting themselves politically.

“There is no interest in a debate of ideas, it is simply treated as a great moral war”, explains Nicole Sanchotene, one of the researchers responsible for the report ‘We Have to Give Enough’: Multiplatform Campaign in 2023 against ADPF 442 and the Right to Abortion in Brazil, from the Research Laboratory of the School of Communication of the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro – UFRJ (NetLab).

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