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Scientific production on abortion in Brazil is debated at an IBICT - UFRJ event

The Brazilian Institute of Information in Science and Technology (IBICT) held, between the 13th and 15th of September, the XII Habermas Colloquium & III Colloquium on Philosophy of Information, with the theme of “Contemporary Conflicts: Human Rights and Solidarity”.

The event's debate panel welcomed the director of the Internet and Social Media Studies Laboratory at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (NetLab UFRJ), professor Marie Santini, who presented the article “A Relação Entre Enunciados e Visibilidades na Pesquisa Sobre Aborto no Brasil: Onde Estão As Palavras E As Coisas?”, together with journalist Martha Neiva Moreira (IBICT/UFRJ).

The event operated through paper submissions, with the presence of IBCIT researchers, as well as specialists and professionals from other areas of knowledge.

About the study

Focusing on the scientific production investigating the practice of abortion in Brazil, specifically within the scope of Social Sciences, the objective of the article was to discuss the type of research question and the degree of visibility of the woman's perspective in the scientific discourse on the topic. The study synthesizes the experience and knowledge accumulated by the authors in research on gender issues.

The preliminary results obtained by Marie Santini and Martha Neiva Moreira indicate that there are few scientific articles on abortion that divert from the canonical discourse of law and medicine. By maintaining the perspective of health and the law, these discourses hide the true social problems related to the issue of abortion.

Thus, this study highlights contributions to the public debate on abortion within the scope of science and social movements. Furthermore, it indicates that there are still gaps in this field of research with regards to the discussion on what leads women to abortion and what are the social factors surrounding this practice.


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