#VozDaDemocracia public hearing logo
This Thursday (25/01), the General Research Coordinator of the Internet and Social Network Studies Laboratory at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (NetLab UFRJ), Débora Salles, participated in the public hearing #VozdaDemocracia (voice of democracy), held by the Superior Court (TSE) to inquire after suggestions and measures applicable to the 2024 elections.
In these meetings, held both online and in person from January 23rd to 25th, the following topics were debated: ‘Electoral Propaganda’, ‘Representations and Complaints’ and ‘Electoral Illegalities’. During her speech, Salles pointed out technical recommendations prepared by NetLab UFRJ, which propose to guarantee the efficiency and observability of digital transparency mechanisms, especially during electoral periods.
The event was attended by Minister Cármen Lúcia, Vice-President of the TSE, Ayres Britto, former president of the TSE, ministers André Ramos Tavares, Isabel Gallotti and Edilene Lôbo, Levi Amaral, general secretary of the Presidency of the TSE, Rogério Galloro, general director of the Court Secretariat, Júlio Andrade, assistant judge of the Vice-Presidency, and the advisor to the Vice-Presidency of the TSE, Roberta Gresta.
The TSE initiative took place in recognition of the importance of consolidating partnerships between public authorities and civil society to monitor and understand issues surrounding elections, in order to improve the process for the year 2024.
The event was broadcast live and is available on YouTube.